What can I run?

We support everything Java - if it runs on a Java web-server at your office, home or previous hosting company, it will run here - especially if you are running it locally on Tomcat, TomEE, Glassfish or JBoss.

You will need to set your database details in your configuration files (eg: hibernate/context) and a filesystem path if your application uses one. Deploy to Metawerx and enjoy your new online presence! If there are any problems deploying your application, we are more than happy to help you get started. We can also help you upgrade to the latest versions of Java and Tomcat, or put your site on any older version if you prefer.

The list below is just an example of some of the frameworks we've worked with. If you still aren't sure, simply contact us for help.

You will notice that you can also run JavaScript (ie: Node.js apps), CFML, Groovy, Clojure and Rails apps on top of Tomcat or TomEE at Metawerx!

Java Frameworks and Language Extensions All Plans
We can run it!
- If it runs on a Java VM or container (ie: Tomcat, TomEE, GlassFish, JBoss), it will run here (we're the Java Hosting specialists)
- If you are wondering about a specific application, just contact us!
WebSockets Support
- (Tomcat 7+)
Servlets 3.1 / JSP 2.3 / EL 3.0 / WebSocket 1.1
- Plus all previous versions
JSF Support
Hibernate/Struts/Spring Support
Ruby via JRuby
- Deploy JRuby WARs directly on your JVM
Groovy via Grails
- Deploy Grails WARs directly on your JVM
Clojure/Compojure via lein
- Deploy Clojure WARs directly on your JVM
Scala / Lift Support
- Scala is resistant to common web app vulnerabilities including many of the OWASP Top 10
- Fast to build, concise and easy to maintain
- Apps that scale in the real world to handle insane traffic levels
- Simple Ajax and Comet support
- Lift/Scala Install Guide
CFML Support
- ColdFusion deployed as a WAR file
- Railo support (Install Guide)
PHP via Quercus
- Run a WordPress blog, PHPBB, or a Drupal website, along with other popular PHP apps alongside your main Java applications (more info)
Server-Side JS via Rhino-For-Webapps, Ringo etc...
- Run native server-side javascript using Mozilla's Rhino engine, part of J2SE (and often faster for real-world apps and benchmarks)
- Run node.js apps alongside your servlets and JSP
EJB3 and Java EE 6 Support
- We recommend TomEE for JEE6 - it's light, has great support and is based entirely on Tomcat
- GlassFish and JBoss also supported
Cocoon Support
JAI - Java Advanced Imaging
- Latest compatible binaries installed on all Java versions
Lucene Search Engine Support
Payment Gateways
- All payment gateways and SSL-related services, including SunJCE, SunJSSE, Paypal, WebPay, Cryptix, Camtech, ANZ, VeriSign and more
Confluence and Jira Support
- Including free setup, trial license import and JNDI DataSource (high performance) configuration
Reliable 99.95% Uptime Guarantee
Helping to keep the net safe

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