Metawerx participates in NEXTneutral and our office is paperless

Metawerx is part of the NEXTneutral Carbon Offset Program offered by NEXTDC, a certified member of Climate Active, reducing our impact on our valuable natural resources and environment. Our servers are 100% carbon neutral.

We do not print any emails, invoices, documents or web pages, unless required by law.

According to IBM, "The typical office worker uses about 10,000 sheets of copy paper each year - enough to cover a three- by six-foot desk more than 360 times. People rely heavily on paper to perform everyday duties, despite the high costs associated with lost documents, risk of document obsolescence and labor inefficiency. Paper is becoming a bottleneck for business processes and its excessive usage is also becoming a clear impediment for organizations that are embracing greener IT."

Sustaining Our World has information about the environmental effects of used ink cartridges. Using recycled cartridges helps the environment and also saves costs.

By switching to a paperless office, you can:

  • Reduce paper waste and shipping costs
  • Reduce physical storage needs
  • Create a greener image for your company
  • Increase employee and customer satisfaction
  • Increase office productivity

    Here are some ways you can help become more environmentally friendly (adapted from

  • Adjust software settings: Work with IT to analyze all software systems to look for opportunities to minimize printing
  • Adjust display settings: Make on-screen reading more comfortable (eg: set display to 125% and alter color to show blue text on a white background)
  • Ask about employee needs or concerns regarding reading documents online
  • Automatically hold created reports online removing the extra step of printing them
  • Allow staff the ability to create PDFs instead of printing (through a product such as PDFCreator) and encourage them to use it
  • Encourage printing documents directly to PDF (Print to File), a feature available in most word processors and spreadsheets
  • Default printer settings for documents and reports to minimize paper use (font sizes and style, line height, margins, characters/lines per inch, page length, etc.)
  • Default to double-sided printing and minimal ink use
  • Instead of printing, signing and scanning documents, consider using Digital Signatures, using a service such as DocuSign
  • If you must print, consider using recycled ink cartridges and reusing documents as scrap paper

    For more information, please see StopWaste, Reduce Paper and Cut Costs and Think Before Printing.

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