Scanned for viruses and malware, sent securely |
TL;DR: We secure our emails and your server verifies that it is sent from us.
Emails from Metawerx are scanned for viruses, malware and spam, then sent securely via our SMTP server.
Office and staff devices use TLS for sending and receiving mail (required).
Our mail servers support STARTTLS and MTA-STS to enable TLS over email and force other mail servers to remember we support TLS.
We use SPF and DMARC to certify that messages from Metawerx are sent from our permitted IP addresses only and receive daily reports to alert us to any violations.
If you are using Metawerx, Gmail or another mail server which supports encryption and have set TLS mode on your devices, the email will be secure from end-to-end.
This can be verified by checking the Received mail headers on any email.
The same scanning and secure transmission features are also available to customers using our Secure, Full-Featured Mail service.
Please contact our support team if you have would like to use Metawerx Mail at your company.
We also offer consultancy to secure your existing email servers.