Transferring from another host

If you are transferring from another host, we provide you the first 2 months free of charge as a bonus for transferring.

Transferring from another host involves a series of steps. The site must be installed onto our servers, followed by the transfer of your domain name and email accounts.

It is important to find out if we support the features your site requires first, but you will find we support most standard features, and should be pleasantly surprised by the extra features we provide.

We provide a wide range of databases (MS SQL/Server, MySQL, MariaDB, PostGreSQL).

Your site will provide access to Tomcat Manager to configure your web applications, please ask your developer to contact our support department with any questions and for free help getting started.

For a fast and smooth transfer, please ensure you provide all of your details in your first email or in your application, including domain name, special features of your old site and a timeframe for how soon you need the domain transferred.

If you are transferring multiple accounts, we can also provide reduced monthly rates.


Transferring your Domain Name (.com/.net etc...)

We will set up the domain name on our servers and then provide details on how to request your registrar to point the domain name to our DNS. After the main DNS servers on the internet notice the change, the domain name will begin to point to our servers.


Transferring your Email

After applying for a site, you will be able to add domains and enable them for Metawerx Mail. You will be able to login and setup your email addresses using the Mail Server Administration system in SiteWinder, and when your domain is moved across, the email addresses will already be setup and ready to receive mail without any break in your mail services.


Transferring your Database

To transfer your old database, you will need an SQL script containing the data and structure.

We can import your database for you free of charge, or you can build/import it online using our online administration tools.

In most cases, your previous host will provide you with one of the above. In other cases, depending on the data format, you may need to use other methods. Please see the page on database hosting for more information.

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