Secure, Full-Featured Email

We take your mail hosting seriously and have all the features you need for day-to-day operations and peace-of-mind.

Three separate mail servers are used in different locations, ensuring we will always be able to receive your incoming mail even in case of 100% loss of our primary data center.

State-of-the-art Anti-SPAM and Anti-Virus systems block threats, and our Anti-Brute-Forcing system protects against malicious parties guessing your password and accessing your mail and end-to-end security ensures your mail is encrypted before transmission and reception at every possible point.

SMTP was created in 1982, and POP3 in 1984. Many mail users around the world are still using these dated 35 to 40-year old systems. If you haven't upgraded already, switch to TLS-enabled email. Better yet - switch to TLS-enabled IMAP instead of POP3. It's more expensive as copies of all your sent and received email are backed up online, but the benefits far outweigh the cost.

Secure Email All Plans
Unlimited POP3 Mail addresses
- No limit is imposed on the number of mailboxes or aliases created, but we ask that you act sensibly
- 2 x free 2gb IMAP mailboxes - find out more about IMAP
- SpamCop, SpamHaus, Anti-Spamvertising and Metawerx anti-SPAM systems
- Heuristic Anti-Virus system developed internally at Metawerx since 1997
- Automatic blocking of IP addresses on multiple failed logins
- Alerts are sent to the administrator and the targeted email address after multiple failed logins
- AutoShun and OpenBL blacklist firewall integration
Full Featured
- AutoResponder - send an immediate response to sales/support requests or holiday messages for your staff when on leave
- Aliases - set up addresses such as sales@ to forward to multiple real addresses
- Forwarding - forward to gmail, MSN, your ISP address or other external addresses
- Junk-Forwarding - forward identified junk emails to a different address for weekly review
- URL Notify - trigger a URL request when new mail arrives, for SOAP over SMTP or email-driven systems (support ticketing etc...)
- Enable/Disable various levels of SPAM and Virus protection
- Redirect an entire domain to another domain (ideal for additional domains - collect all email from one place without setting up per-address redirects)
- Latest ciphers and TLS 1.3 for latest SMTP/POP3/IMAP clients
- Strongest encryption when sending email between servers (eg: emails coming from gmail/hotmail are encrypted during transmission)
- Full compatibility with older systems
Dual Secure Local SMTP Servers
- SMTP server for your application, send mail with JavaMail or other systems
- Extra Fail-Over SMTP server available in case our main server is being upgraded or restarted
Secure Remote SMTP
- SMTP server for your notebook or mobile device, available on request
- Ideal for travellers, sales people and those who need to connect via multiple networks
- Check or access your mail securely using public computers, airports kiosks and internet cafes
POP3 Zone Restriction
- Restrict POP3 access to specific countries to reduce the risks involved after password theft
Custom MX Records
- Add custom MX records to your domains with our DNS editor
- Easily switch your MX to Google Apps, MessageLabs, Exchange, in-house mail servers or mail servers at other organisations
Online Admin
- Add/remove/administer your email addresses, aliases, mail blocks, settings and mailing lists online
- Additional Android/iPhone based administration panel, specifically designed for mobile, change passwords or configure new addresses on the go!
- First mail server in the world to offer online admin over mobile and first hosting company to offer this service, as at Feb 2015
Reseller Customer Admin
- Assign a password for your customers to administer their own mail domains using our MailReseller interface
- Opportunistic TLS for SMTP, POP3 and IMAP
MTA-STS Support
- MTA-STS implemented on all servers (similar to HSTS for websites)
SMTP TLS Reporting
- TLS-RPT implemented on all servers (similar to Report-To for websites)
End-to-End TLS Encryption
- SSL/TLS SMTP email transmission and reception
- SSL/TLS POP3 and IMAP email pickup
- Transmission to/from mail systems which support TLS is always encrypted (eg: gmail, banking systems)
- Enhanced Crypto - Latest state-of-the-art TLS (TLS1.2, 256bit, PCI-Compliant/FIPS-Ready, ECDHE GCM)
- Test your current mail system for TLS support at CheckTLS
Reliable 99.95% Uptime Guarantee
Helping to keep the net safe

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